It is possible to set a standard subtitle through the API. Viewers of the respective video will then automatically see the subtitles without the need to activate it by themselves.

Get Text Track

Determine which subtitles are available for a video. A list of all available subtitles are returned.


Sample Response:

[Object, Object]
    0: Object
        id: "0"
        label: "Ti?ng Vi?t"
        language: "vi"
        proto: Object
    1: Object
        id: "1"
        label: "English"
        language: "en"
        proto: Object
    length: 2
    proto: Array(0)

Set Text Track

Set a standard subtitle track by specifying the track ID. This must be chosen from the available tracks (returned from the "getTextTrack" function above).

ParameterData TypeDescription
trackIdstringID of the subtitle track that you want to set as standard.

Disable Text Track

Disables the standard subtitle that was previously set. 
