If an upload URL has already been generated for you thumbnail, you can use it to upload the thumbnail now.

Please note that the token in the upload URL is valid for four hours. This means that if the upload takes longer than four hours to complete, an error will occur. If this happens, perform the "Get thumbnail upload URL" request again to generate a new upload URL.


curl -X POST -F "file=@/<FILENAME>" "https://file-1-b.video-cdn.net/FQMx5EcAGqS-789vU7s6QY/78463.UPLOAD_Bzg_-8GaCUeRDYhaLd3eCf.jpeg/still?mime-type=image%2Fjpeg&__token__=abc123"
UPLOAD_URLAn example upload URL is shown above, this is returned from the API's /v1/vms/{videoManagerId}/videos/{videoId}/thumbnails/{thumbnailId}/upload-url endpoint.
tokenThe token is returned along with the upload URL and is valid for 4 hours (see warning above).
mime-typeThe upload URL also contains the mime type of the image.
Form Data
file=@/<FILENAME>Indicate the filename (and path if necessary) of the local thumbnail image file to upload. Be sure to prefix the filename with "@/".


204 - OK

1101 - Upload denied because the booked storage capacity limit is reached.