The following table lists all core features of the movingimage Player Version 5.




Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (HDS/ HLS)

A performance adjustment when streaming is achieved using adaptive bitrate streaming technology.

By default the video player uses the maximum guaranteed bandwidth, while quality of service is prioritized through the network configuration. To ensure a persistent video playback the player buffers internally the data quantity of information. Here, the size of the buffer depends on the configuration: when the available bandwidth is decreasing the player will automatically switch to the lower playback quality. The delivery is HTTP-based. Video files are broken down into chunks for the distribution and kept on the video server. Index files direct the player to the various chunks. Through this continuous, dynamic adjustment of the bit rate of the original video to the bandwidth videos can be delivered always without any interruption.

  • HDS-support via Flash-Plugin
  • HLS-support via HTML5 in Safari

  • HLS-support via HTML5 on iOS
  • HLS-support via HTML5 on iOS

Live Streaming

Live stream support for MPEG-DASH and HLS
  • HDS-support via Flash-Plugin
  • HLS-support via HTML5 in Safari
  • HLS-support via HTML5 on iOS
  • HLS-support via HTML5 on iOS


The professional solution provides high security requirements, aimed above all to prevent the unauthorized use and distribution of the video content via the Internet. Protection mechanisms of varying degrees can be implemented.

Player Token

Using player tokens, video content is protected against unauthorized access. Token-based authentication ensures that digital content can only be played or downloaded, when the player is identified as a player client. Once the player has been authenticated, the browser obtains a the permission to play the requested content by a cookie.

Referrer Protection

With the referrer protection domains can be defined, where the publishing of videos is allowed.

Player IP Range Restriction

The access to video content can be allowed or denied for certain IP addresses or a range of IP addresses.

CDN Token Security

The CDN token protects video content within the established content delivery network (such as Akamai). The token contains information about which account checks are to be performed. The mechanism of authorization granted or denied the playback of video content on the basis of factors such as the existence of a valid token, the source-URL of the videos or the IP address of the viewer.

CDN IP Range Restriction

Access to video content within the CDN can be allowed or denied for certain IP addresses or a range of IP addresses.


Browser and Platform Independence

The movingimage player can be used with any browser - independent, whether the browser supports HTML5 or not. For older browsers, a fallback on the Flash-based player and for iOS devices, a fallback on HLS is configured.

Browser and Plattorm Support

Browser & Platform
Internet Explorer
Apple iOS
Windows Phone

Automatic Player Selection

The player technology allows an automatic device detection: depending on which device is used by the viewers, the best player is delivered (either Flash or HTML5).


Individual Player Skins and Styles

The player for the streaming of your videos can be completely individualized and customized to suit your needs. The Player Generator in VideoManager is available for this purpose. 

The detailed documentation for the Player Generator is loacted at the following link: Documentation Player Generator.

Player skins and controls customizable via Player Generator.

Player skins and controls customizable via Player Generator.Not supported by native player

Individual Thumbnail

To increase the initial effect, it is possible to produce an individual thumbnail for each video. There are different possibilities: either a desired image file is upoaded or any frame from the video itself is captured and then set as start screen.


Chapter Function

You can divide your videos into chapters in VideoManager. In this way, users can easily find certain episodes or skip if necessary.

(plus)(plus)Not supported by native player

Interactive Overlays

In the VideoManager, you can create different overlay elements and embed them directly in your videos. A player, a link, a text or a graphic can be integrated as interactive overlay. For each element, you have comprehensive setting options.


Flash: rendered via HTML

(plus)Not supported by native player

Ad Support VAST 3.0

The movingimage player supports ads after VAST 3.0 standard for pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll.


Reporting & Analytics

The movingimage Analytics solution is a statistics tool with a focus on videos. You will receive a detailed analysis of your complete video portfolio and by reference to these data, you are able to spot or anticipate certain trends. In doing so, you can optimize your video usage to achieve your marketing and campaign goals.

Detailed documentation of movingimage Analytics can be found at the following link: Documentation Analytics.


Support of Video Formats & Audio Formats

The player supports the playback of various formats.

  • MP4/H.264, progressive download
  • Flash: HDS
  • HLS
  • WebM/VP8, progressive download
  • audio codec : AAC
  • iOS: HLS
  • Android: MP4/H.264, progressive download
  • audio codec: AAC
  • iOS: HLS
  • Android: MP4/H.264, progressive download
  • audio codec: AAC

JavaScript API

The JavaScript API is available to external developers to integrate applications in the movingimage player.

The detailed documentation of the movingimage JavaScript API can be found at the following link:  Documentation JavaScript API .
