
Blog from November, 2023

Role assignment in private Webcasts is now reflected to roles previously granted at the account level.

This means that you can no longer select a role for a user beyond the role granted by the administrator.

For more information, please consult this article.

In addition, some extra error messages were added to the bulk import of the SSO registration attributes.

For more information, please consult this article.

Some restrictions have been applied to the assignment of roles to users in private Webcasts.

From now on, for example, a user assigned an Editor role by the administrator can only be assigned the Editor role at the event level.

For more information, please consult this article.

You can now import large numbers of attendees to your events without having to enter each email address or UUID manually.

You can do this by importing a CSV file containing e-mail addresses or UUIDs directly to Webcast Manager.

For more information about the bulk import, please consult this article.