Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Video MetadataDescription
source Mandatory. If the source for your video file is not specified, then the XML file is invalid. Your upload will fail.
titleBy default, the system will use the original file name. (Optional)
descriptionEnter a short description for you video. (Optional)
keywordsYou can enter multiple keywords, if desired. (Optional)
customMetadataEdit custom metadata for a video. The fields are the same as the ones displayed in your video list (date uploaded, category, etc.). (Optional)

Assign your video to a channel by specifying one or more channel IDs. (Optional)


If you don't want to assign your video to a channel, you'll need to remove this tag entirely, or the upload will fail.

groupIdSpecify the Id of the user group this video should be assigned to. If no Id is assigned, the video will automatically be assigned to the default "Company" group. (Optional)
securityPolicyIdSpecify the Id of the security policy that should be applied to your video. (Optional)

Specify the release status of the video via the <publish> tag. (Optional)

Times are according to D ISO 8601 , in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD


      • YYYY = year
      • MM = month
      • T = start of the time element (required)
      • hh = hour
      • mm = minute
      • ss = second
      • TZD = timezone designator (+hh:mm or -hh:mm)

Example: 2019-07-01T09:00:00+02:00 would release the video at 09:00 Berlin time, 08:00 London time and 07:00 UTC.

  • If a period is specified, the release is time-controlled.
    Example : <period> <begin>2019-07-01T09:00:00+02:00</begin> <end>2019-08-01T09:00:00+02:00</end> </period>

  • If the </publish> element is left empty, the video is released immediately, without a time limit.

If you entered an invalid date (for example, the release date you entered is in the past), the video will be imported without any release status.

downloadYou can activate the download release via the <download/> element. (Optional)
deleteSpecify the date when the video has to be automatically deleted. (Optional)

Specify what file should be used as a thumbnail for the video. (Optional)


The thumbnail file must not be larger than 10000 KB.

You must use a thumbnail image if you define one in the XML schema. Otherwise, the upload will fail.


Specify additional people who should receive notification emails about file ingest status. The uploader will always receive notifications by default. (Optional)

Notifications will be sent for the following errors:

  • Video file corrupted
  • Wrong XML schema used
  • Incorrect file type
  • The system was unable to probe video file because of an incorrect file type
  • Ingest system failure
disableAutoDeleteUse this tag to prevent the system from automatically deleting video files and stills from the FTP server after processing. (Optional)

The following metadata tags can only be used if you have purchased the AI Services feature package


Set the source language for your video so you can later generate metadata and subtitles


Use ISO 639-1 country codes (e.g. "de-DE" for German) for the language name


When uploading your XML file, we check against our internal validation schema (shown below).
