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In the context of the feature "Token Protection" in the VideoManager Pro a signature must be generated so that videos with token protection can be played out.

One way is to generate a hash of of a key and a message. This means the request is sent as a hash and contains a time stamp, so that the hash is different every time, when it is sent.

In this section, you will learn how to generate a HMAC-SHA256 based code for this purpose.


Required Authentication Information



The message is the basis for the calculation of the signature. It is composed as follows:

  • video-id: ID of the video
  • expTime: time at which the signature is expired (epoch timestamp)

Shared secretThe key can be retrieved in the security settings in your VideoManager (see "VideoManager Manual: Editing a Security Policy").


The following code samples shows how to calculate a HMAC signature.

Java Code Sample

Java Example
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;

public String generateToken(String videoId, String tokenSecret, long lifeTimeMillis) {
    final String HASH_PATTERN = "{\"video-id\":\"%s\", \"exp-time\": %s}"
    final String HASH_ALGORITHM = "HmacSHA256";
    final long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + lifeTimeMillis;
    final String tokenCalcBase = String.format(HASH_PATTERN, videoId, expiryTime);
    final Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance(HASH_ALGORITHM);
    final byte[] keyBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(tokenSecret);
    final SecretKeySpec secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, HASH_ALGORITHM);
    final byte[] hmacBytes = hmac.doFinal(tokenCalcBase.getBytes());
    final String hash = String.format("%032x", new BigInteger(1, hmacBytes));
    return expiryTime + "~" + hash;

Ruby Code-Beispiel


require 'openssl'

shared_secret = ["abc123"].pack('H*') #Hex2Bin
video_id = "212zpS6bjN77eixPUMUEjR"
exp_time = "1458396066"

message = sprintf("{\"video-id\":\"%s\", \"exp-time\": %s}", video_id, exp_time)
hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256', shared_secret , message)
token = exp_time + "~" + hmac
printf("\nToken: %s\n", token)

PHP Code-Beispiel


PHP Example
$shared_secret = "16f189853dd46d871645074c402a3458";
$exp_time = "1902840215";
$video_id = "AZBTcFzS5h2FHCBWwcLjya";

function generateToken($video_id, $exp_time, $shared_secret)
  $data = sprintf("{\"video-id\":\"%s\", \"exp-time\": %s}" , $video_id, $exp_time);
  $hash = hash_hmac ( "sha256", $data , hex2bin($shared_secret) );
  $token = sprintf ("%s~%s", $exp_time , $hash);
  return $token;

$token = generateToken($video_id, $exp_time, $shared_secret);
echo $token;

Testen der HMAC-Implementierung

Mit den folgenden Parametern können Sie Ihre HMAC-Implementierung testen:



Mit diesen Parametern sollte folgender Token erzeugt werden:
