The Metadata accordion menu provides information on the video including standard and custom metadata. If your account is set up to provide metadata in multiple languages, you can use the drop-down menu in the top right corner to select a metadata localization set to edit. For more information about metadata localization sets, see the Metadata Localization chapter of the movingimage Administration Manual.

Standard Metadata:

Menu ItemDescription
Video titleEnter the desired video title (255 character limit).
DescriptionEnter a short description of this video (5000 character limit).
KeywordsEnter keywords in the text box provided, and confirm this with the [Enter] key of your keyboard. Previously used suggestions will appear as you type. Multiple keywords can be assigned.
360° VideoEnable this option if the video is a 360° video. You must specify a value from a dropdown list.
ChannelsA list of all channels in the VideoManager account where this video can be found (users must have "View channels" rights to see this section).
Person in Charge

You can optionally change the person in charge of this video (the value defaults to the uploader).

Note that this field cannot be deleted or left empty.

UploadedUpload date and the user who has uploaded this video file (cannot be edited).
Last ModificationDate and user name of the last modification (cannot be edited).
Publication DateYou can optionally change the publication date (the value defaults to the date in which the video was released).
FilenameThe original name of the file that was uploaded (cannot be edited).
Video-IDThe video ID is assigned automatically by the system and cannot be edited.


  • Video title: Enter the desired video title.
  • Description: Enter a short description of this video.
  • Keywords: Enter keywords in the text box provided, and confirm this by the [Enter] key of your keyboard. Multiple keywords can be assigned.
  • Person in Charge: You can optionally change the person in charge of this video.
  • Uploaded: Upload date and the user who has uploaded this video file (cannot be edited).
  • Last Modification: Date and user name of the last modification (cannot be edited).
  • Filename: The original name of the file that was uploaded (cannot be edited).
  • Video-ID: The video ID is assigned automatically by the system and cannot be edited.


Custom Video Metadata:

Your administrator may have applied custom video metadata fields that can be edited as well. These fields come in a variety of types, editable in the following ways:

Data Type

Interface Element


Type freely in the text field provided. Note that there is a limit of 5000 characters.

NumberYou can either use the increment/decrement buttons, the up/down keys on your keyboard, or type a number directly into the number field.

BooleanClick the toggle switch to indicate true or false.

SelectUse the drop-down menu to make a selection – the options will appear in alphabetical order.


Click the calendar icon to the right of the date field and use the date picker to set the desired date.

Multi Select

Click the text field and a list of valid options will appear. Start typing to search the list. Click or use the up, down, and enter keys on your keyboard to select an option. Add as many items as desired.

For information about how to configure these custom video metadata fields see the Video Metadata chapter of the movingimage Administration Manual.