
Blog from July, 2017

A bug is now fixed that caused the subtitle delete button to disappear sometimes. This occurred depending on the width of the VideoManager Pro within smaller browser windows. The subtitle delete button now maintains visibility.


VideoManager Pro Documentation

Publishing date: 20-07-2017

When creating a new custom metadata field, a new data type ("Multi Select") is now available. This allows administrators to predefine a list of words that users can add to each video. This also helps to prevent mistakes that can occur when typing into a text field manually.

The REST API custom metadata objects now include an "availableOptions" list as a result of this new feature. This list will contain each field option for both "Multi Select" and "Select" data types. All other custom metadata types will contain an empty list of available options. You can update multi select values by using the custom metadata PATCH function. The multi select type also has its own DELETE function for removing values one at a time.


VideoManager Pro Administration Documentation

movingimage REST API Documentation

Publishing date: 10-07-2017

When creating a new custom metadata field, the "Date" type is now available. This allows administrators to define date information that should be provided for each video (e.g. copywrite date, filming date, etc.). This also helps to prevent mistakes that can occur when typing a date into a text field manually.

These custom metadata date fields are included when performing a video search in both VideoManager Pro and the REST API (using the optional "search_term" parameter in the "videos" endpoint).

The date value can be updated using the API; doing this also allows you to specify a time. Use the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ (ISO8601).

VideoManager Pro Administration Documentation

movingimage REST API Documentation

Publishing date: 10-07-2017