
Blog from March, 2017

It is now possible to choose font, style, and color for the panel headers in the same way as for the webcast title.

WebcastManager: Customize

Publishing date: 15-03-2017

 It is now possible to preview a webcast from the edit screen in WebcastManager. Previously you had to return to the list of webcasts to find the option.

 WebcastManager: Configuration

Publishing date: 15-03-2017

Webcast: View-Switching

It is now possible to choose from "dual-view" or "picture-in-picture" views for video Webcasts. With "picture-in-picture", it is possible to switch between "player-in-video" or "video-in-player".

The Consumer Area

Publishing date: 15-03-2017

It is now possible to 'soft-cut' the start of Wowza DVR and Akamai HLS streams. You can adjust the offset start time in WebcastManager for the post-live and on-demand status.

WebcastManager: Post-Live/ On-demand

Publsihing date: 01-03-2017