

We're excited to announce that we're moving to a new and improved documentation portal in February 2024.

This portal will offer a more streamlined, user-friendly experience, making it easier than ever to find the information you need.

To access our new portal, please click this link.

Role assignment in private Webcasts is now reflected to roles previously granted at the account level.

This means that you can no longer select a role for a user beyond the role granted by the administrator.

For more information, please consult this article.

In addition, some extra error messages were added to the bulk import of the SSO registration attributes.

For more information, please consult this article.

Some restrictions have been applied to the assignment of roles to users in private Webcasts.

From now on, for example, a user assigned an Editor role by the administrator can only be assigned the Editor role at the event level.

For more information, please consult this article.

You can now import large numbers of attendees to your events without having to enter each email address or UUID manually.

You can do this by importing a CSV file containing e-mail addresses or UUIDs directly to Webcast Manager.

For more information about the bulk import, please consult this article.

You can now enable RAMP technologies for peer-to-peer eCDN distribution in Webcast Manager if you are a partner-level customer.

This feature helps distribute your webcasts more efficiently and reliably and may reduce bandwidth costs.

To learn more about how to enable RAMP technologies, consult this article.

To further facilitate Webcast event access for authorized users, you can now provide permitted UUIDs in Webcast Manager.

This enables employees to sign in to Webcasts using SSO based on their internal UUIDs.

For more information, please consult this article.

Webcast streams are now limited to 13 hours (12 hours event duration + 1 hour buffer). After this time, the stream will automatically disconnect.

The counter is reset when you restart the stream (publish the RTMP signal).

To change the duration, navigate to the Configuration panel in the Webcast Manager and select the desired duration from the drop-down menu.

To help administrators have an overview of Webcast owners, the event owner name is displayed in the event list.

For more information about when the event owner name is displayed, please consult this article.

Webcast Consumer now supports sign languages for English and German, in addition to the existing language sets.

You can learn how to add these languages in this WebcastManager article;  a complete list of the supported languages can be found in a related article.

As well, new layout is now available in Webcast Consumer: "Player with Language Selection".  If enabled, viewers will only see the player and can choose their preferred language directly within the player.

For more information about other available layouts in Webcast Consumer, consult this article.

You can now protect Webcast content with by enabling watermarks containing the user ID of the employee streaming the content in Webcast consumer.

Available for SSO-enabled Webcasts, this dynamic overlay helps prevent unauthorized sharing, ensuring your content is secure and traceable.

More information can be found in this article.

You can download both analytics reports directly from Webcast Manager or from your analytics account, if your account is enabled for analytics.

If you do not have analytics enabled, you can still download from the basic report from Webcast Manager in the Customer tab.

Note that for private Webcast events, only the creator of the Webcast event and users assigned the role of event editor can access viewer statistics within the WebcastManager.

For more information on how to download viewer statistics, consult this article.

In Webcast Manager, you can now create public and private accounts at the customer level.

With a private account, you can create private events that are not visible to anyone else. 

In these private events, you can also assign roles to members of your organization.

For detailed information about enhanced access control, please consult this article.

To ensure that only authorized users can access Webcast events, you can enable the use of HMAC (hash-based message authentication code) tokens for user authentication.

For more information, please consult this article.