
Blog from September, 2017

Upload Button Moves Down

In the video asset management area of VideoManager Pro, the video upload button has moved down from the top menu bar. It can now be found among the other video action buttons (Duplicate, Delete, etc.) in the toolbar above the list of videos.

VideoManager Pro Documentation

Publishing date: 28-09-2017

We have increased the number of VAST wrappers we allow from six to seven. If an inline VAST response is not found within seven requests, the ad will not be displayed.

VideoManager Pro Administration

Publishing date: 11-09-2017

Separate login credentials are no longer required to login to the FTP server to upload a video. You can now use your VideoManager Pro username and password, though you will need to specify a VideoManager in your username. This is accomplished by entering your username followed by a colon and then the VideoManager ID number you want to upload your video to (e.g. "").

VideoManager Pro Administration Documentation

Publishing date: 20-09-2017

It is now possible to schedule a date and time when a video will be moved to the trash using the REST API. The new "scheduledTrashDate" parameter can now be read through the videos endpoint. Use a PATCH request to set or edit a date, which is formatted using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g. "2020-12-12T08:00:00Z"). You can also remove the scheduled date by setting the "scheduledTrashDate" parameter to null.

movingimage REST API Documentation

Publishing date: 14-09-2017

In the JavaScript API's "chapterclicked" event object, a bug causing the "startTime" and "title" values to return invalid data is now fixedThese two values are also now contained within a "detail" object to comply with current custom web event standards.

JavaScript API Documentation

Publishing date: 18-09-2017

There is a new notification option, "Include User Information", in the administration area of VideoManager ProThis field contains a "User Email" toggle that allows you to include the email of the user that triggered the notification event. The field only appears when the "Call up URL with POST" action is selected and the toggle defaults to off.

The "editorEmail" key has been added to the POST data for each event type. It will return an empty string when the toggle is off. In some cases, even when the "User Email" toggle is on, the "editorEmail" value will still be an empty string. This happens when event types that aren't initiated by a user trigger the action (i.e. the monthly report and timed video release will expire events).

VideoManager Pro Administration Documentation

Publishing date: 13-09-2017

You can now export a CSV file containing the traffic data for each group within a selectable date range. This is done in the "Account" settings of the administration area of VideoManager Pro.


VideoManager Pro Administration Documentation

Publishing date: 23-08-2017